At the Kelley Group we take pride in building strong relationships and providing our clients with comprehensive, hands-on support.
We are a family, and our clients are an extension of that. We strive to weave personal details into our planning and design — seeing our partners as people, not a project.
We work with clients to protect public health and the environment, working through every phase of the project lifecycle from project funding, design, construction and maintenance of the systems, including:
Water Services
- Master Water Supply Planning
- Demographic Analysis
- Water System Modeling
- Forensic Billing Audits
- Utility Rate Studies
- Utility Valuation Studies
- Impact Fee Studies
- Feasibility Studies and Alternative Analysis
- Water Supply Conversion and New Supply Design
- Water System Rehabilitation, Modifications, and Upgrades
- Raw Water Intake Structures and Pump Stations
- Water Supply and Treatment Plant Design
- Water Transmission and Distribution System Design
- Irrigation and Storage Facilities
- Reclaimed Water Storage and Distribution System Design
- Construction Review Phase Services
- Permitting
Wastewater Services
- Master Wastewater Planning Studies
- Demographic Analysis
- Wastewater Reuse Studies
- Utility Rate Studies
- Utility Valuation Studies
- Impact Fee Studies
- Waste Characterization and Treatability Studies
- Inflow and Infiltration Studies
- Feasibility Studies and Alternative Process Analyses
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
- Lift Station Design
- Wastewater Collection and Pumping System Design
- Wastewater System Rehabilitation, Modifications, and Upgrades
- Reuse Water Treatment, Storage, and Distribution System Design
- Construction Review Phase Services
- Permitting
- Stormwater Pump Stations
- Detention/Retention Design
- Flood Control Studies & Design
- Dam & Levee Analysis & Design
- Master Planning
- Permitting
- Urban and Rural Roadways
- DOT Local Program Roadways
- Multiuse Trails
- Intersections
- Revitalization & Streetscaping
- Permitting